The Warren High School VEX robotics club has been apart of Warren high school for 5 years, founded by Jasper Osmon and our club adviser and engineering teacher, Mr. Menjivar. Our club has grown greatly in size since its first year, now currently including 35 members. This year, we also added a Skills USA branch to robotics club, dedicating materials and membership to those participating in the Mobile Robotics and Urban Search and Rescue competitions. We have extremely dedicated members, all thankful to this club's support and involvement in robotics, engineering, and the design process.
Team 90241A
Team 90241B
Team 90241C

Team Members-
Project Manager-Carlos Cardona, Rebeca Puquirre
Designer- Rebeca Puquirre, Alyssa Talavera
Programmer- Robert Engle,
Builder-Rahul Vanmali, Samuel Marquez
Goals- Our team would like to win Excellence Award at both the State and World competition. We also plan to have a working autonomous for all positions on the field.

Team Members-
Project Manager-Wendy Obispo
Designer-Bryan Silva, Ryan Diaz
Programmer-Rayan Abboud, Michael Castillo
Builder-Ryan Gutierrez
Goals- Our team plans to advance to the State Competition, as well as win the Excellence award at both the State and Worlds competition.

Team Members-
Project Manager-Nathaniel Alvarez
Designer-Maya Guadarrama, Allen Bermejo
Programmer- Daniel Marquez, John Terry
Builder- Kellen White, Harsh Bhagat, Adrian Bermejo
Goals- Win Excellence Award at both Worlds and State competition.
- Have a working autonomous for all starting tiles